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STOP! Don't cleanse, until you start HERE!

Writer's picture: parasitemammaparasitemamma

Updated: Jan 29

Before you EVER start a cleanse for parasites, heavy metals, etc, you have to work on foundationals and drainage first!

If you don't, you're asking for trouble.... in fact, if you don't work on foundationals and drainage for at least 1-3 months before starting a cleanse, it's not only VERY hard on your body; it can be dangerous!

Unfortunately, in my own personal journey of healing (long before I ever became a Practitioner and specialized in this stuff) I caused myself a LOT of harm, because I dove right into aggressive cleansing, without having a clue about prepping my body with drainage and foundational work first! I was getting advice from the wrong people, sadly.

If you've ever heard any of my podcast interviews, I talk about how my hair starting falling out so badly that I had to shave my head....I broke out in pus-filled boils the size of fists all over my body...and those are just a few examples of what can happen when you jump into cleansing without prepping your body for 1-3 months first (my clients have also had horrible experiences, before they began working with me, because nobody was there to give them the correct advice).

Click here to see some of my podcast interviews, where I share my personal story!

A lot of "parasite experts" and parasite-themed Facebook groups give HORRIBLE advice, like "herxing is good"....."starve out the parasites by fasting for long periods of time"...or "just keep pushing through those intense detox symptoms!"

That is THE WORST thing you can do!! In fact, if you cleanse too aggressively, you can cause the parasites to scatter and burrow deeper into your body! Aggressive cleansing is also hard on your liver, kidneys, adrenals, nervous system, and MORE!

So many people want to dive into cleansing aggressively, without working on foundationals and drainage first.....and this ends up making the detox process take even longer, because your body will keep recirculating toxins, instead of being able to easily expel them.

It's always best to cleanse gently and slowly! And while it's normal to feel a little bit "yucky" when doing a cleanse, you should NOT feel horrbile....if you start feeling really constipated, super emotional with aggressive mood swings, start breaking out in zits or rashes, etc, then it's a sign that you need to back off on the products you're using for cleansing (take much smaller dosages) and focus MORE on drainage and foundationals!

Okay, so what are foundationals and drainage?

Foundationals are things like daily movement/exercise, clean air, clean water, clean foods, blood sugar balance, natural light exposure, grounding, oral health, ear-nose-throat support, good sleep, nervous system support, vagus nerve support, circadian rhythm support, and vitamin/mineral support (keep reading to learn more about how to support foundationals).

Drainage relates to the body being able to EASILY drain out toxins! Your body will drain out toxins any way it can, so it will choose the most open pathway it can find to remove the toxic buildup! If you're draining out of your eyes, nose, ears, etc, the most, then it's often a sign that the lower drainage pathways are especially clogged up.

These are signs that your drainage pathways are closed:

*Your bowels (not having 1-3 easy to pass, well formed bowel movements per day, loose stools with ragged edges, gas/bloating/cramping, or feeling like you can’t emotionally let go of certain things).

*Your kidneys (kidney pain, kidney stones, puffiness around the eye, dark circles, fear and anxiety, urinary tract infections, and frequent urination).

*Your liver (can’t tolerate alcohol/caffeine, skin issues, can’t tolerate fasting, PMS and other hormone issues, and the emotions of anger, frustration, rage, unforgiveness, feeling stuck, feeling burdened or overwhelmed, or feeling regretful of the past).

*Your skin and lymph (recurring sore throat, recurring tonsil stones, having your tonsils removed, chronic sinus issues, cellulite, fluid retention, skin issues, rashes/hives, and can’t easily work up a sweat).

*Your brain/glymphatic system (not feeling fully rested, brain fog, issues with memory, sleep issues, and chronic headaches).

*Your lungs (chronic respiratory infections, shortness of breath, shallow breathing, chronic cough, anxiety, grief, feeling like you’re in a situation that’s suffocating you, difficulty letting go of past suffering, tendency to hold onto things and/or emotions, unable to let go or move on, fear of not being worthy, unappreciated, or lack of approval).

*Your bile production (having your gallbladder removed, gallstones, loose stools, undigested food in stools, pain or heaviness in your upper right side).

*Your eyes/tears (discharge, tearing up, etc....crying is great for releasing any emotions the body is holding onto that might be affecting your health, so if you feel extra emotional during a parasite cleanse, please allow yourself to let it out).

*Your ears/nose (frequent ear infections, excess wax buildup, fluid in the ears, chronic boogers, post nasal drip, stuffiness, excess buildup of mucous in the nose, or having to blow your nose all the time, etc)

*Your menstrual cycle (heavy periods, heavy clotting, irregular cycles, having no cycle, unusal odors, etc).

Sweating and moving the lymph is a HUGE factor in the parasite cleansing process! Remember, parasites act like a sponge and go through your body, mopping up other toxins. As you kill off the parasites, they release all those toxins back into your body. Sweating and moving the lymph is the most effective way to get chemicals, molds, ammonia, heavy metals, etc, out of the body that the parasites have released!

Remember, anytime you are going to raise your body temperature, or move your lymphatic system, you ABSOLUTELY need to use a binder (click here to see my post about which binders are optimal, how to use them, etc).

Here are some tips for opening your drainage pathways:

*Deep breathing (there are lots of great, free tutorials on YouTube for deep breathing techniques).

*Dry brushing (click here for a tutorial on how to dry brush....also, this activity will stir up toxins hiding in the lymph nodes, so use a binder that does NOT contain charcoal before or after).

*The Big Six technique is essential for moving the major lymph nodes, so the rest of your lymph can more easily mobilize toxins! Click here for the video tutorial, but remember to use VERY gentle pressure with this and use a binder right before, or right after that does NOT contain charcoal!

*Gentle exercise (parasite cleansing is taxing on your body, so I advise gentle exercise, while cleansing....exercise will stir up toxins hiding in the lymph nodes, so use a binder that does NOT contain charcoal before or after).

*Raising your body temperature (with a sauna, hot bath, or sitting in the the sunshine). If you’re new to raising your body temperature, or you’re an extra sensitive person, you should start VERY gently and slowly…start with 3-5 minutes at a time for a few days per week…if you handle that well, you can slowly increase your time, little by little….if you find that you really struggle to work up a sweat, you can drink some organic ginger tea, before your sauna session, or hot bath, as this will help to warm up your body & induce sweating......a sauna or hot bath will stir up toxins hiding in the lymph nodes, so use a binder that does NOT contain charcoal before or after.... Click here for the link to my favorite, low EMF sauna, which also comes with a red light panel (my code APM will save you money at checkout).

*Organic coffee enemas, or colonics/colon hydrotherapy (colonics and colon hydrotherapy are done by a professional, so if you’re interested in that, do a search for someone in your area that performs this service)…organic coffee enemas can be done at home, if you purchase a reusable kit….for enema beginners, you can start with a filtered warm water enema, or a filtered organic chamomile tea enema….1/2 tablespoon of organic black-strap molasses can be added to your enema water to help with retention/the ability to hold the enema water in longer. Click here for the link to my favorite enema kit, which comes with step-by-step instruction and video tutorials…organic coffee enemas and colonics/colon hydrotherapy both stir up toxins and can deplete minerals, so use a binder that does NOT contain charcoal before or after these and be sure to replenish your electrolytes afterward with trace minerals drops, fresh pressed juice with salt added, salt water, or adrenal cocktails, afterward. See the PDF below for my adrenal cocktail recipes (adrenal cocktails and juices should only be utilized in the warmer months):

*Jumping on a trampoline (this may be too intense for some people, so avoid this, if you’re generally extra sensitive, or if you have neck/back/spine issues....also, this activity will stir up toxins hiding in the lymph nodes, so use a binder that does NOT contain charcoal before or after).

*Dancing (this one is great for helping to encourage your kids to move their lymphatic system….have a 10-15 minute dance party in the living room....also, this activity will stir up toxins hiding in the lymph nodes, so use a binder that does NOT contain charcoal before or after).

*Crying and releasing pent-up emotions (super important and should not be ignored…kids will need extra comfort during a parasite cleanse and you might, too, and that’s okay).

*Massage (one of my personal favorites….yes, this is your excuse to go get a nice, long massage......also, this activity will stir up toxins hiding in the lymph nodes, so use a binder that does NOT contain charcoal before or after).

*Castor oil packs (castor oil packs support the liver, balance hormones, support the kidneys, address digestive issues, improve blood circulation, pull toxins out of your organs, reduce inflammation in the body, support good gut bacteria, reduce stress, induce feelings of relaxation, increase glutathione levels in the body, address constipation, and more…they can be re-used over and over…they can be used over the liver, kidneys, thyroid, stomach, etc. Click here for the link to my favorite castor oil packs.

*Homeopathic remedies (these are GREAT for gently stimulating the lymph to clear, the bowels to move, the kidneys and other organs to begin releasing toxins, etc...these can be purchased at a discounted rate on my Fullscript account, for those in the United States. Click here to make a FREE Fullscript account with me.

Homeopathy for constipation:

Bryonia, Calcarea carbonica, Causticum, Chelidonium majus, Graphites, Lycopodium, Natrum muriaticum, Nux vomica, Sepia, Silica, and Sulphur.

Herbs, digestive enzymes, digestive bitters, and Tudca are also great for constipation and can be purchased at a discounted rate on my Fullscript account, for those in the United States.

Now, let's dive deeper into foundationals!

The most drastic health improvements will come down to these......every time! If you master foundationals and drainage, it will be easier for your body to let go of what no longer belongs there (heavy metals, negative emotions, fungus, mold, an overgrowth of parasites, viruses, bacteria, etc). Foundational and drainage work should be a part of your DAILY life and if you ever feel like you're struggling during a cleanse, or old symptoms seem to be reappearing out of the blue...ALWAYS go back to foundationals and drainage work!

1) Natural light and circadian rhythm balance:

Unfortunately, in this day and age, we have become SO DISCONNECTED from nature, natural light, and our natural circadian rhythms. This drives our cancer rates up, stresses out our adrenals, causes hormonal imbalances, impacts our ability to sleep deeply, allows parasites and other pathogens to thrive in our body, and MORE!

Click here for my blog post, where I give you free instructions on how to balance your circadian rhythms and optimize getting natural light!

2) Regulating your nervous system and stimulating your vagus nerve:

This is also one of the MOST IMPORTANT foundational steps! If the nervous system is disregulated, then the parasites, viruses, bacteria, etc, will thrive! And as I mentioned above, if the body doesn't feel safe and relaxed, you WILL NOT easily release metals, chemicals, molds, the overgrown parasites, etc.

Click here for my blog post, where I talk about regulating your nervous system from home and stimulating your vagus nerve!

3) Clean water/clean air:

Reducing your overall toxic load is a BIG part of foundational work! We can't get away from all toxins in this day and age, but reducing what you're exposed to (especially in your own home, or at your job, where you spend the most time) is SUPER IMPORTANT!

The water you drink, shower, and bathe in should be clean. Anything that touches your skin will go into your bloodstream within 30 seconds (and your kids, if they are bathing in unfiltered water). The water supply in the United States is the WORST, overall, but if you live in another country, you should still make sure you're using clean water. Most water is contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides, plastics, chlorine, fluoride, other chemicals, parasites, and even radioactive properties!

I'm going to share the links for my personal favorite water filtration companies, but definitely do your own research, as there are a LOT of great options out there, like Greenfield, Clearly Filtered, Pro One, Live Pristine, Filter Baby, etc.

I would encourage you all to go to the Environmental Working Group Tap Water Database, so you can see how dangerous your water supply is! Click here to view that website.

My Tap Score is a great website for water testing kits! Click here to view.

Click here for a great Instagram account, where she has a TON of info on water filtration, etc (check her highlights).

This is my affiliate link for one of my absolute favorite brands of water filtration, Crystal Quest! I never leave home without their bath ball filter!

MitoLife water filters are also awesome! My code, APM, will save you money at checkout, for any of the products on that site:

Another affordable water filter option is from Therasage. They have a water filter pitcher that is similar to Britta, but it completely removes all the bad stuff, so it's far superior to Britta and many others on the market. You can use my code APM to save some money at checkout:

Now, let's talk about clean air!

Over 70% of homes and buildings are contaminated with toxic mold! On top of that, our homes are FULL of toxic chemicals from air fresheners, traditional candles, perfumes, laundry soap, fabric softeners, body washes, conventional cleaning products, dishwashing detergents, etc (keep reading for more on that).

And then we have all the chemicals that get sprayed on the clothes we buy, our newly purchased curtains and drapes, our newly purchased furniture, our lawns to stop weeds/insects, and around the house to deter pests, etc!

The air quality in your home can be up to 100 times worse than the air quality outside!

Click below for my FREE mold PDF, where I talk about what to do if you suspect mold in your home, or can't move out of your moldy environment.

4) Clean beauty/cleaning products:

Remember, whatever touches your skin will be in your bloodstream within 30 seconds! The products you use in your home and on your body need to be safe! There are a LOT of "green washing" products on the market right now, so you have to be extra vigilant about doing your research. Green washing is when a product claims to be non-toxic and "clean," but it's still full of hidden toxins.

Consider downloading the “Yuka,” or “Think Dirty” app to find out which of your beauty and cleaning products are toxic to your health and hormones. You can also research your cleaning and beauty products on the Environmental Working Group Skin Deep Website, here, to see which ones are toxic. Swap out as many products as you can, including your plastic containers and toothpaste that contains fluoride, as these “forever chemicals” not only affect our hormones, but create a higher toxic load in the body and contribute to a myriad of health issues. It’s also best to avoid non-stick pans, aluminum foil, and canned foods as much as possible, as they have high levels of toxins and heavy metals. As you can afford it, I would recommend switching to 100% stainless steel, 100% glass, or 100% ceramic cookware (I'm not affiliated with any brands for cookware, but I've heard great things about Xtrema and 360 Cookware).

5) Daily movement/exercise:

I know what it's like to be so ill and in so much pain that it's hard to move. Still, it's important to do some sort of movement every day, otherwise, toxins will stay in your lymphatic system and cause MAJOR inflammation!

Your lymhpatic system is the sewage system of the body and it DOES NOT have a pump. Moving your body is the pump! Moving the lymphatic system daily doesn't have to be intense, especially if you're at the beginning of your healing journey. Personally, I was almost bed-bound, so I started with very small and gentle walks (5 minutes at a time). A lot of my clients start with things like vibrational plates, massage guns, walking in place, dancing in their living room, etc. The goal should be ANY movement daily and then, you can increase the length and intensity, as you get stronger. Try not to get wrapped around the wheel here.....just start somewhere!

6) Clean foods and blood sugar balance:

I get it...not everyone can afford to eat every little thing organically, or grass-fed, etc. The goal should be to just eat real food! A lot of people have an "all or nothing" approach with this, unfortunately. If you can afford to eat all organic, great! If not, just do the best you can to choose foods that don't need an ingredient label (fresh meats, fruits, veggies, etc)....and for those foods that DO have an ingredient label; it's time to really start looking closely!

If your great-great grandmother didn't eat it, then you probably shouldn't either!

Watch out for things that you can't pronounce and stay away from things like carrageenan, mono and diglycerides, food dyes, "spices," yeast extract, MSG, BHT, BHA, high fructose corn syrup, nitrates, sulfites, propylene glycol, bromates, benzoates, partially hydrogenated or hydrogenated oils/fats, seed oils, aspartame, vegetable oils, etc...there's a much longer list than this that you want to avoid, but this is just a starting point. Do you own research and again, try to purchase foods that have only a few ingredients on the package, or foods that don't need an ingredient list.

In my meal/snack ideas PDFs, I talk about "The Dirty Dozen" and the "Clean Fifteen." This is a great guideline for those that cannot afford to purchase everything organically. I also talk about eating locally and seasonally in these guides, as it's the best way to help your hormones naturally balance and avoid pesky allergies. Here are the links for my meal/snack ideas:

Blood sugar balance is also a foundational step that cannot be skipped!

So many people don't realize just how many health issues can occur, just from your blood sugar being imbalanced....headaches/migraines, PMS/PMDD, hormone imbalances, adrenal issues, sugar cravings, fatigue, insomnia, lowered immune system, frequent urination, weight gain/loss, excessive thirst, feeling "hangry," feeling tired after a meal, dizziness/vertigo, swelling in the hands or feet, numbness/tingling, digestive issues, recurring infections, eye/vision issues, heart palpitations, nausea, nightmares, tremors/shaking, weakness, fainting, seizures, and MORE!!

As I explained in my "non-negotiables for hormone health" post (which you can read here), it's ideal to eat breakfast within 1 hour of waking up and to eat every 3-5 hours. Breakfast should be especially high protein (aim for 25-30 grams). This is especially important for females (as fasting studies were mostly done on men and we females have much different needs, hormonally), but there are plenty of men that could also benefit from these same instructions. I have seen plenty of my male clients have adrenal fatigue and many of them (although mostly my female clients) are over-exercising and under-eating. This is a recipe for disaster!

Remember, the body WILL NOT detox well, unless it feels safe and relaxed! If you are under-eating regularly, it puts a tremendous strain on your nervous system....not to mention your hormones, metabolism, immune system, and more! Skipping meals puts your body into fight-or-flight mode!

I'm not negating the benefits of fasting...what I am saying is that it is not right for everyone! For women, I recommend reading the book "Fast Like a Girl," which you can find here.

If you're a man and you're dealing with adrenal fatigue, chronic stress from work/life events, you're having recurring illness, or you just feel run down all the time, then fasting might not be the best thing for you right now, either. This is why it's helpful to work with a knowledgable Practitioner, who can help you determine what game plan is right for you, based on seeing what your body wants to address, after viewing the results of your bioenergetic test! Bio- individual approaches are SO important! Not everyone is the same and in my practice, I like to see what each client's body wants to focus on, instead of promoting a "one-size-fits-all" protocol.

To learn more about why I use bioenergetic testing in my practice, click here!

If you feel like you might be chronically under-eating, then I would recommend using this BMR calculator to see how many calories your body needs per day. When you input your information, put in your IDEAL body weight, not your current weight. Track your food for 1-2 days in an app (I like the Chronometer app, personally) and see how it compares to your BMR, just to make sure you’re not under-eating and over-exercising, etc. I don’t want my people to get obsessive about tracking their calories every day; however, one or two days of tracking your normal eating habits can help you become aware of what adjustment(s) need to be made.

7) Oral health:

Another foundational practice to address is your oral health. Stealth infections and heavy metal toxicity are both root causes of parasites getting overgrown in your body, so it's important to address those things! If you have cavities, root canals, amalgam/silver fillings, have had teeth pulled out, or you mouth breathe/snore, then these are things that should not be ignored!

Root canals leak stealth infections into your bloodstream. If a cavitation formed when you had a tooth pulled out, which is more common than people realize, (which is when a silent infection forms under the gum-line), then that will also leak stealth infections into your bloodstream! Silver/amalgam fillings will leak heavy metals into your body every time you eat and drink. If you breathe through your mouth, or snore, that is the leading cause of cavities AND it puts your body into a constant state of fight or flight!

Every tooth is connected to a different system in your body! Here's a dental chart, which shows you how each tooth can impact different organs, etc.

Also, if you have not watched the documentary, "Root Cause," I highly recommend it! It talks all about the dangers of root canals, cavitations, etc (there is some swearing and a very brief topless scene, FYI). Click here for the YouTube version of the documentary.

Consider seeing a biologic dentist ASAP, in order to address any dental issues that may be affecting your health (like root canals, cavitations, amalgam fillings, cavities, etc). Here’s a link to find a holistic/biologic dentist near you:

Training the tongue to stay sealed to the roof of the mouth is super important!

Consider mouth taping at bedtime (not for those with sleep apnea, or those that cannot easily breath through their nose), or using devices that promote proper tongue position and proper jaw development, like the myo munchee, remastered sleep, the tooth pillow, etc (I will share links for these below).

These practices/devices can help to improve your sleep, increase oxygen to the brain, promote proper tongue position, help to relieve grinding/clenching, and improve dental health!

Here’s the link to a post I wrote about mouth taping, for more information:

Here's a link for a great mouth tape:

Here’s the link to the myo munchee:

Here's the link for remastered sleep:

Here's the link for the tooth pillow:

8) Ear-nose-throat support:

This is another important foundational practice, as we have SO MANY lymph nodes from the chest up that can easily get clogged and cause issues in the ears, nose, sinuses, and throat! These areas are also impacted by mold, chemicals in beauty and cleaning products, chemtrails, food sensitivities, parasites/pathogens, root canals, cavitations, silver fillings, metal implants, etc.

You can regularly use a neti pot, navage, nasal rinses, inhale warm steam, or nebulize bee propolis for relief (click here to get bee propolis for a 20% discount on my Fullscript account, for those in the United States). Consuming 1 teaspoon per day of honey that’s local to your town can also help give you relief from many of these issues. The videos below will also guide you on how to use self-massage to clear these areas:

9) Good sleep:

This is another super important foundational, because your brain (glymphatic system) cannot drain out toxins, if you're not getting enough good sleep! You have to balance your circadian rhythms, in order to get proper sleep, so click here for my post on that!

A good mattress is also important for a restful night of sleep! Here's the link for the organic mattress that I personally use and love!

10) Vitamin/mineral support:

So many people are depleted in vitamins and minerals, which can also be a root cause of sickness and disease! Our vitamins and minerals are depleted by stress, wifi radiation, parasites, other pathogens, heavy metal toxiciticty, mold exposure, etc.

Minerals are the spark plug for ALL the systems of your body to function correctly; like your hormones and cardiovascular system, just to name a few! In fact, your body cannot remove heavy metals easily, unless you also have enough minerals! This is why replenishing your nutrients is a crucial step in foundationals!!

I don't have a "one-size-fits-all" approach to balancing vitamins and minerals....many of my clients use trace mineral drops (which can be purchased here for a 20% discount on my Fullscript account, for those in the United States), but if you REALLY want to address nutritional deficiencies accurately, then I would suggest running a bioenergetic test with me, so we can see which vitamin and mineral deficiencies are resonating in your body, causing stress to your system.

Click here for the link for more info on the testing I utilize in my practice, or reach out to me privately for more information.

I know there are a LOT of foundational and drainage practices to focus on, but try not to feel overwhelmed....just focus on one thing at a time and as I mentioned above, if you feel like your health issues are returning seemingly out of the blue, or you are feeling really yucky on a cleanse, ALWAYS return to drainage work and foundationals!

And for those that have never done a FREE consultation with me, please don't hesitate to reach out! There's never any obligation attached to my free consults and I'm happy to help you figure where to start, how to trouble-shoot, etc. You can also reach out to me about scheduling a paid session to work with me one-on-one. Click here for info on my rates and how to work with me.

Happy healing, everyone!

*Disclaimer - Nothing in this blog post is to be taken as medical advice. Everything stated here is for educational purposes only. I do not claim to diagnose, cure, or treat disease. What you choose to incorporate from this educational blog post is done of your own free will.


Angela Stinson 

"Parasite Mamma"

Living in Arizona, but working with clients from all over the world, by video chats, email, etc.

Contact me at: 253-283-9716

*Disclaimer* Nothing on this website is intended to be used as medical advice, nor to treat, cure, or diagnose any medical conditions. All information is for educational purposes only and what you choose to do with this information is up to the discretion of you and your medical provider.

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