Bio Energetic Testing!
There are SO many forms of testing out there and most of my clients come to me, frustrated, after they've tried EVERYTHING! In my practice, I utilize bio energetic testing (also called bio resonance testing). This form of energy medicine has been extremely instrumental in my own, healing journey, as well as those of my clients; so let's talk a little bit more about bio energetic testing and energy medicine.
Energy is everywhere! Did you know that every living cell has its own, unique energetic frequency and that those energy frequencies can actually be measured? Your specific body parts (like your brain, heart, etc) and even your emotions each carry a unique energy frequency. All objects have a frequency at which they vibrate. So, not only do humans, animals, trees, flowers, plants, music, and food have energy, but so do every day, inanimate objects, like your favorite coffee mug.
Energy medicine has been used for thousands of years, but in the modern age and with the introduction of Western and Allopathic medicine, it has sadly fallen by the wayside and been dismissed as “quackery.” However, if you’ve ever had an ultrasound, an x-ray, an MRI, an EEG, or an EKG, you’ve already fallen victim to the supposed “pseudo-science” of energy medicine, because that’s what those utilize!
Some Holistic examples of energy medicine are: acupuncture, reflexology, acupressure, reiki, tai chi, Chi Gong, homeopathy, flower essences, rife machines, the laying-on-of hands healing (when you pray for someone), distance healing (and praying for someone that is not near to you), EFT and TFT, massage, polarity therapy, sound therapy, and one of my personal favorites….bio energetic testing.
Bio energetic testing has been a game-changer for me and my clients, because it measures the energy frequencies of the body and looks for disturbances. Remember, everything has its own, unique frequency; including toxins like mold, Lyme, parasites, bacteria, viruses, & other pathogens. To find out which toxins your body is resonating with, or “attracted to,” a bio energetic scan measures your body’s energy against thousands of energetic codes, to see if there are disturbances that are causing stress in the systems of your body. Some of the other disturbances that a bio energetic scan can detect are heavy metals, hormonal imbalances, food & environmental sensitivities, vitamin & mineral deficiencies, amino acid deficiencies, and more! A bio energetic scan cannot be used as a diagnostic tool, but it’s a non-invasive way to get to the bottom of your health issues and facilitate natural healing!
The beauty of a bio energetic scan is that it gives you a customized approach to your healing journey. Personally, I do not believe in blanket protocols, or one-size-fits-all remedies. We are all bio-individual, so what works for one person may not work for another. So many of my clients come to me, after spending hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars on purchasing protocols and supplements they were hoping would fix their health issues. Doing a bio resonance scan takes the guesswork out of trying to figure out what herbs, or remedies are right for you, because your body’s unique energy is tested against a wide array of supplements, herbals, and homeopathics. You are then given a customized list of remedies that YOUR body actually wants, in order to return to balance.
Bio energetic testing is safe for all age groups (even pregnant and breastfeeding women) and is non-invasive. All you do is send in a small sample of your saliva and hair!
Here's some information about the bio energetic scans I use for testing in my practice (if you have an HSA through your insurance, you can get these tests paid for, as well as be reimbursed for any remedies that are recommended from the bio energetic testing).
The company I utilize for testing is called CBH Energetics). Let me know if you have any questions about any of the scans, when you check out their website. If you keep reading, I also share links of what actual scans look like from my clients!
Here's some information regarding the two, most popular scans that are offered from CBH Energetics:
The most popular scan is called the "Full Scan." This scan gives you a complete list of what vitamin & mineral deficiencies, parasites, bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, molds, fungi, chemicals, & other pathogens are resonating in your body and causing stress to you. It also gives you a reading of any food & environmental sensitivities that are resonating with you, plus, it shows any hormonal issues, any deficiencies in amino acids, & any deficiencies in stomach acid & digestive enzymes. It also shows you a color coded printout of which systems in your body are under stress (like the heart, digestive system, lymphatic system, adrenals, liver, gallbladder, kidneys, endocrine, etc). Lastly, it gives you a list of 5-6 remedies that your body is resonating with, in order to cleanse & heal. The regular price for the Full scan is $389, but you get $20 off, when you use my code (apm).
Here’s a video of what a Full Scan likes like:
The second, most popular scan is the "Balancing Scan." This scan costs $179, but you get $20 OFF at checkout, when you use my code (apm). You get a LOT of bang for your buck with this scan, too! This scan gives you a complete list of what vitamin & mineral deficiencies, parasites, bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, molds, fungi, chemicals, & other pathogens are resonating in your body and causing stress to you. It also shows any hormonal issues, any deficiencies in amino acids, & any deficiencies in stomach acid & digestive enzymes. This scan also gives you a list of remedies that your body is resonating with, in order to cleanse & heal.
Here’s a video of what a Balancing Scan looks like:
The company also offers subscription packages, where you get multiple scans for the year & pay a monthly subscription fee. A lot of my clients like to get multiple scans done, as time goes on, so they can see which systems of the body are improving & what else needs to be addressed. Bio energetic scanning is very similar to peeling back the layers of an onion. The first scan you do will reveal what the body is ready to address right now (what's the top priority). You work on those things with your practitioner (me) and after you have addressed those things, you can do another scan a few months later & see what layer is ready to be peeled back next (what the body is ready to address in the next stage of your healing journey)….My code for subscriptions is apmsub, which gives you $5 OFF your monthly scan subscription package.
If you absolutely CANNOT afford to order a full scan, balancing scan, or scan subscription package, then the final option would be a “Remedy Scan.” This one costs $89, but you save $20, when you use my code apm at checkout. You will not get any of the information mentioned above, but the company will test the samples you send in against hundreds of different remedies, in order to find 5-6 remedies that your body is energetically drawn to. This gives you a customized approach to healing, as the remedies are uniquely suited to your body and its needs.
Here's what you do:
1) Go to https://cbhenergetics.com/scans/
Choose which scan you want to order. If you have any questions about the scans, please don't hesitate to contact me.
2) At checkout, use my Practitioner code (apm) to get $20 off any scan, or use my other code (apmsub) to save $5 off each monthly subscription payment for the duration of your subscription. For ordering any remedies that are recommended for you on your scan results, you can use my code (amp5) to save $5 on your order.
3) Once you order the scan, log out. Then, log back in and go to the dashboard. In the dashboard, you will submit a report. This report can be submitted for yourself, or a family member. This report will ask you detailed information about your symptoms and health history.
4) The company will send you a kit in the mail, which usually takes about 3-5 business days to arrive. The kit will have specific instructions on how to send in your hair and saliva samples. The hair sample only needs to be about 1 teaspoon of hair from anywhere on the body. Hair should not have gel or hairspray in it, but dyed hair is fine. You can also send in a teaspoon of nail clippings with your saliva sample, instead of using hair. You simply return the kit and samples to the company, in the pre-paid envelope they provide for you. It is best to stop taking all unnecessary supplements & medications for 3-5 days, before sending in your samples, so you get the most accurate reading on your scan. You may also send in up to 5 supplements, along with your hair & saliva samples (put into small sandwich bags and labeled), and the company will test those supplements, to see if your body is resonating with them. It's a great way to find out if some of the supplements you have on hand are a good fit for you.
5) Once the company receives your kit, they will send you an email, letting you know your samples have been received. From there, it takes about 7-10 business days to get the results of your scan. The results will be emailed to you and will also be emailed to me. You can then sign my contract (found on the "how to work with me" section of my website) and choose how to want to proceed in working with me, once your scan results are in.